“The journey of thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu
There can be no question about the fact that education is the cornerstone of human development, the strongest pillar to ensure the survival of our planet.
This school, over the years, has come to symbolize the truest spirit of dedication to the task of maintaining an excellent standard of education. I have received unstinted Co-operation of the staff in this arduous task, and the outcome has been consistent excellence shown by the students, not on in the academic results, but also in various fields of extracurricular activities.
Any new technology likely to prove to be of help to the students, is made available by the school, and students are given an opportunity to learn, in accordance with their individual capability.
For education, to be meaningful and rewarding, it is essential that the students. Staff and parents work in unison. The school almanac must be used as means for achieving this goal. We value their suggestions which will help us to grow from strength to strength. Parents and teacher are the real mentors, and together can help to foster a value-based system of education which is our goal.
Abhishek Singh